Saturday, July 21, 2012


Hi. My name is Nitro. I've been with the Gonzalez family for three weeks now. The peoples decided that I will probably make a better diabetes alert dog than my brother, Kismet, so I'm living with the Gonzalez family. They're really nice. They love me a lot. I have learned a lot since I've been here, even though I learned a lot when I was with my mama and Joanne too.

Since I've been with the Gonzalez family, I've worked a lot on sit, down, and wait. I have also learned to paw (high), and I'm working on performing a bow.

I get to go lots of fun places. I've been to Sarah's theater classes, out for pizza (no, I didn't jump up on the table and eat it, even though it smelled good), to the Spaghetti Factory, and to several stores including Walmart and Target (the peoples tried and failed to find me a kiddie pool to play in), and most recently, a grocery store. I didn't pee or poo in any of them, which made the peoples very happy and relieved.

It hasn't been all perfect here, I've had a bout of tummy issues. Mrs. Gonzalez has done a lot of special cooking for me. I really like the way she makes chicken and rice because she cooks it up with chicken broth until it's extreme yumminess! I started a new food a few days ago, and since then I've felt better. Mrs. Gonzalez thinks I have a dairy allergy because I had a small piece of cheese yesterday, and kept her up all night because I had to poop every couple of hours.

My very favorite thing in the WHOLE WORLD right now is my puzzle! It's the funnest thing EVER, and Mrs. Gonzalez hides yummy treats and the treat part always smells a little bit like Sarah when she doesn't feel good.

Today Mrs. Gonzalez is REALLY happy with me, because I've been finding the smell of low blood sugars in my puzzle, without the treats!

Here's the video evidence! Nitro finds the low blood sugar sample

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