Sunday, June 17, 2012


I'm growing and thriving, okay and maybe driving everyone a little crazy now and again. A couple of times Amanda has affectionately(?) referred to me as hell-spawn Kismet. Oops. Okay, so I know I can be a bit of a handful, but I really do love my family.

These last few days have been a little bit challenging. I'm learning the rules of my house, in my own puppy way, but sometimes it's difficult because the rules aren't quite the same with each person. I hear them conspiring to change this. It will make it easier when I learn the rules are the same with everyone. I know I really shouldn't bite toes or rip jeans, but - hello - puppy here!

Mrs. Gonzalez and Amanda have me on a leash most of the time these days, and that helps me not be so tempted by trouble (I REALLY want to eat that pillow on the couch... PLEASEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!)

I'm getting better at taking my potty outside, but I still make mistakes on occasion. Sometimes I just can't hold it! Don't you remember being a toddler and how hard that was?

Last night Mrs. Gonzalez weighed me, and I'm 21 lbs.

Things I really love:

My yoga mat - It's just comfy! And it's mine!
Pumpkin - It's delicious!
Pouncing on my ball
Hugs and kisses
Sit and Come - because sometimes I get a treat!
Low parties - I'm not quite sure why they throw these parties on occasion, but I'm not complainin'!
Insulin pump tubing - One of these days that sneaky little tube will be MINE!!!! Muhhahahahaha....

Things I don't like:

Baths - Come on, I'm not THAT dirty!
Sidewalks - It's scary!
The GATE - cause I really want to pounce on that other dog
Waiting for breakfast - Hurry up already!
The kitchen garbage - Haven't you ever been afraid of those evil white cans?

Today I'm going on my longest car ride yet! I'm pretty excited, except this time Mrs. Gonzalez is sitting in back with me, so that means I have to behave.We'll see!!!

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